All their stories

C2208CF7-3CFF-4450-B761-30B28C2C1D2CThese short, poetic stories, some written in Swedish, others in English, are all fictive. You can search for a deeper, lone meaning between the lines, but as a writer I can tell you that I didn’t mean to hide any specific life lessons or personal experiences behind the words – you know – the typical things reviewers or obliged students would usually look for.
However, I can’t stop you from interpreting what you read in your own way, and I appreciate to hear what you think.

And oh, one more thing. We live in a society where it’s almost always essential to mention that you have absolutely no malign desire to offend anyone with your creative writing, even if I hope that that was pretty obvious with mine anyway.
Having that said – I hope you’ll enjoy reading these unique, short stories and if not – well – “smaken är som baken”.

Julia Harryson

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